More than 450,000 biographies. Includes complete full text of Biography Today and Biography Magazine as well as thousands of narrative biographies. (grades 7 and up)
Nonfiction content geared for K-12 students. Includes over 132,000 encyclopedia articles, 103,000 images, 7,500 multimedia elements, more than 27,000 eBooks, and novels and essays. Tools include translation for 50+ languages and read-aloud functionality. Includes Lexile ranges and alignment with Michigan Department of Education Academic Standards across a variety of subjects. Choose elementary, middle, or high school level.
Magazines and reference books for middle school students. Includes thousands of biographies and primary source documents. Subjects include history, current events, science, sports, and biographies. Also includes photos, maps, and flags. Pulls content from Middle Search Plus, Primary Search, Newspaper Source Plus, and the eBook K-8 Collection.
Provides different views about issues that help students develop critical thinking skills. This resource brings balance and perspective to contemporary issues using arguments from experts. (grades 7 and up)
Scroll down and click on the link “Grades 4-8 Educator Resources,” then select “Middle School” for Mathematics skills, English skills, Social Studies and high school test prep. Register for a free account to save your work. (Grades 4 and up)
Reading Resources
Titles that support K-8 students across all subject areas. Also features a selection of teacher resources to support educators and administrators including Common Core alignment. You may access the full text of these eBooks from your computer, or download titles to most popular portable devices.
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