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Spark Joy Program Access at Home

Spark Joy Program Access at Home


Sign up to receive an email for link access to watch on your own during the time period.  Spark Joy’s mission is to provide you with the necessary skills needed to maintain a tidy home for life. Through the KonMari Method® you will visualize and create the space you've always dreamed of as you learn what truly Sparks Joy®.  This virtual program includes 48-hour access and will feature a live Q&A at 7:15 PM on Thursday, April 27. Once registered, participants will receive an email on Monday April 24 with a link to access the Spark Joy program anytime during the 48-hour time period.

Catalog button

Account Login

To sign in click the link above:

Username: Library Card Number

Password: Last four digits of your phone number

*Note if your phone number needs to be updated = please call or email us today!

Location & Hours

Three Rivers Public Library Location Photo
Three Rivers Public Library
88 N. Main Street, Three Rivers, MI 49093

M,W,TH,F 10am-5:30pm,Tues.10am-7:30pm & Saturday 10am-4pm.